착상의 메커니즘


  1. Human placentation from nidation to 5 weeks of gestation. Part I: What do we know about formative placental development following implantation?

공부하는 이유

The implantation of the blastocyst and early development of the placenta are crucial for the success of

implantation and pregnancy. 또한 조기배아사 확률이 상당히 큼. 수정 ~ 분만까지 유산확률은 보편적으로 임신기간에 반비례함.

임신 0~40일까지가 중요한 시기인데, 젖소 특성상 젖을 많이 짜기 때문에 에너지가 항상 부족한 상태에서 수태가 되어야함. NEB(negative energy balance)에서 임신시키기 위하여 활용 가능한 스킬을 늘리기 위해 착상의 메커니즘에 대해 알아보기로 함.


[formative steps of implantation and placental development are key for all aspects of pregnancy]

  • The blastocyst implants in the uterine wall approximately 7-9 days after fertilization(approximately 3 weeks since the last menstrual period or 3 completed weeks of gestation).
    • After this initial contact, the outertrophectoderm layer of the blastocyst penetrates between the luminal epithelial cells at the point of attachment, invades through the basal lamina and penetrates deep into the decidualising uterine stroma.
      • The luminal epithelium is then restored over the implantation site so that the embryo and placenta are completely contained within the uterine wall.

리뷰 1.에서는

 This reviewaims to address what progress is beingmade in uncovering the events of very early human

implantation that take place inside in the black boxbetween blastocyst formation and the developed structure of the villous placenta. Specifically, we will address our anatomical knowledge of the events

of early pregnancy, functional studies of human blastocyst implantation and early placental lineage formation.

decidualisation (탈락막화) : 임신한 개체의 자궁에서 나타나는 특성. 프로게스테론에 의해 야기되는 변화.

사람에서는 late secretory phase (around day 22 approximately 6 days prior to potential implantation)

hCG -> 프로게스테론, 에스트로겐 분비 촉진
integrin -> 


탈락막 자궁내막 세포 (decidual endometrial stromal cell) 및 히알루론산 (hyaluronic acid)을 포함하는, 자궁내막 손상의 치료용 약학적 조성물

상기 히알루론산은 5 mg/ml 내지 15 mg/ml의 농도인 것인, 조성물
